Oh moon where art thou gone so soon, down, down behind that hill since before midnight strike?!
Oh just havin' a little party over at my place. Good sound, some dancin', groovin', movin' - with the canine and the feline. Every sound of life beats inside my heart.
Lover of life, feel you not the summer darkness? The moon smiles onto me in the morning come winter. Tonight it is gone.
Comes darkness, comes night life. Sun light strong in day time hours, the partying stronger come night fall. No moon need be witness to that. Join the sleepy canines and the crazy felines in their nocturnal serenade.
Philosophy is the Art of Perception on the nexus of existence where phenomena inter-are. We are blessed. The sacrifices of our forebears are not in vain. We are growing and learning to embrace the opportunities we have today thanks to their tenacious efforts and shared wisdom. Most importantly, thanks to their love despite it all! Nexistentialism embraces human nature because art doesn't make itself. Nexistentialism captures the performativity of philosophy on a quotidian world stage.
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014
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