Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016

The River

In a time of uncalculated confusion and conflict,
I walked.
Not seeking.
Just walked.
My journey brought me to the river.
The ever changing, adapting river.
Nothing is calculated here.
Never is there confusion, but always there is conflict.
It seems the river found me.
I watched it again and the beauty that finds its way to its shores,
that flies above it and that lives within it.
My confusion was not remedied and my conflict not resolved.
It simply melted away with the sound of the river.
The beauty of life is
that there is always something to wonder about in spite of it all.
I've missed the river.


Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2016

His wisdom

"I think sometimes we struggle or have conflicts because we love. We want to be loved in return. Just simply the same way that we do. And when we don't feel loved as we love, we get confused in our hearts. Never forget who you are. Let your love flow out of you just as it does. What comes back is it's own and came from outside of you and as such, you cannot be responsible for it except in how you allow it to touch you."


Foolish Fighter

I’m not that sick. Am I? Only, severe blood loss and a ripped hip. I’m also overcome by a forceful fatigue. What woman hasn’t suffered like ...