Sonntag, 5. Januar 2020


In sickness and in health, the promise goes, that vow they told themselves and each other.

One was sick with hunger for mother's feminine touch and craved women's flesh aplenty. She saw him through it and does it still, his companion. And now he cares for her during sleepless nights of painful unrest, and every day while she struggles to move her tired body about the house. 

Another cultivated a radical understanding of freedom to flee a heart heavy with feelings never blessed to be expressed. Seeking refuge in fluid company, in drugs, dates, dancing. Leaving her at home to wait indefinitely for another moment's glimpse into his loving soul. She saw him through it. And he made sure she was adequatly, comfortably provided for when her vulnerable nature caved her mind into insanity. He never stopped returning to her and, in his way, loved her, though she would never say her love for him again. And to her grave he now brings flowers. 

Yet another was sick with anger and struck away both love and life with force. She took his charm and embraced, well past his better days, the fruits his seeds had born so reminiscent of the many ways in which she had loved him. He had fostered a legacy of unconditional unity despite the severity of his blows.

Togethter they tell tales of responsibility towards our kin. Our kindred fellows, yes, humans who rise and fall like me and you. Don't we all?

What is responsibility? What is the nature of our ability to respond to each other? How do we correspond to each other? And what is love? but the string that weaves together many stories on the spiral path of life.


Ich sitze im Sunset Coffee, während die Sonne in einer winterlichen Landschaft untergeht. Vor mir erstreckt sich eine herrliche Sicht von der mit Schnee bedeckten westlichen Bergkette, nordwestlich von der sich eine Salzwüste befindet. Früher hiess das Café Grounds for Coffee. Eventuell scheint mir die untergehende Sonne ins Gesicht und lächelt mir mit ihrer Wärme entgegen. "Du schaffst es, Kind," sagt sie voller Liebe.

Foolish Fighter

I’m not that sick. Am I? Only, severe blood loss and a ripped hip. I’m also overcome by a forceful fatigue. What woman hasn’t suffered like ...