Parasit: Weil ich Teil von dir bin.
O: Aber du verletzt mich nur.
P: Tu ich das?
O: Wer bist du überhaupt?
P: Na, ich.
O: Und wer ist das?
P: Der mit dir spricht.
O: Tu das nicht!
Wo du bist drückt der Schuh.
Wo du bist drückt der Schuh.
Philosophy is the Art of Perception on the nexus of existence where phenomena inter-are. We are blessed. The sacrifices of our forebears are not in vain. We are growing and learning to embrace the opportunities we have today thanks to their tenacious efforts and shared wisdom. Most importantly, thanks to their love despite it all! Nexistentialism embraces human nature because art doesn't make itself. Nexistentialism captures the performativity of philosophy on a quotidian world stage.
I’m not that sick. Am I? Only, severe blood loss and a ripped hip. I’m also overcome by a forceful fatigue. What woman hasn’t suffered like ...
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