Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012


"Why does he call it the descent of man?" she wondered as she found her way back to him after having rejected him first, of course, long ago. It seemed to be in her nature: Zurückweisung, sometimes unüberlegt. Her path was paved with failures and rejections, with descending slopes. These seemed to precede upward swings. She pictured a two-dimensional line viewd from the side going up and down. She supposed it might be relative to the point of view. Then she imagined looking into a spiral from the center in which some points swung from left to right and vice versa; not straight, but rather in a roundabout swing, one that moves forward, not a circling in place like that of a carrousel, but rather a cyclical spiralling montaña rusa, Achterbahn perenne, roller coaster ride, existential russian roulette, cosmic tide, ebb and flow, hin und her around it goes: the nexistential carnival show.

"It's an ascent!" She'd proclaimed. "What would he know, so many a moon ago?!" For hadn't we evolved ever so upwardly, making sacrifices to hold our heads high on a pair of bipedal thighs, something we did with pride? And then, she learned of another one who spake of a great fall which rendered us back at square one in order to evolve all over again. A descent of man to reach new heights in ascending to other planes of awareness after retracing all the evolutionary steps taken thus far. She began to reconsider her previous judgement of the man. Perhaps she owed him an apology, she considered for an instant. No, she decided, for doubt was the way of her path-finding. She'd be true to her own steps.

Suddenly, she understood why she had rejected this one in particular, and many more like him. She'd done so with an innate skepticism. She'd pushed herself as far away as possible. She'd dismissed them on the premise of: "And how do his theories apply to me? What can they teach me about the ordinary struggle of my day to day?" After all, what could a man like that possibly know about being a woman at the turn of the twenty-first century, a man from over a hundred years ago or more?

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Foolish Fighter

I’m not that sick. Am I? Only, severe blood loss and a ripped hip. I’m also overcome by a forceful fatigue. What woman hasn’t suffered like ...