Montag, 5. Dezember 2022

Two Women

Two women went into a big stall together in the lady's room.
"Woa, woa! What are you doing!?" said one to the other, who was grabbing a bunch of toilet paper and rolling it around her hand.
"Didn't your grandma teach you? One square for pee, two squares for poo."
No, her grandma hadn't taught her. Granny hadn't grown up in poor post World War Two Europe, where goods were scarce. Granny had enjoyed the comforts and wasteful excesses of affluent suburban America.
The woman with the toilet-paper-pad wiped her vulva and dropped the now stained white cushion into the toilet bowl. 
"Don't flush!" cried the other. And peed into the yellowish soup of dead tree matter and discarded body juice. Determined to at least save some water.
"Two for one," she thought. As she carefully folded three squares of thin public-bathroom-paper while she urinated. She wiped her pussy with it. And triumphantly flushed the whole mess out of sight, out of mind.

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