Samstag, 25. Februar 2023

A matter of no discussion

Apheida: Making peace with my biblical inheritance. For it does hold stories and wisdom of experiences lived and imagined...
Ruphus: ...and profoundly human, with considerations of a beyond!
Apheida: Which undoubtedly exists.
Ruphus: Beyond is a matter of existence and a matter of no discussion.
Apheida: There certainly is a beyond this very moment in fact.
Ruphus: The next moment.
Apheida: And beyond that, the moment that follows.
Ruphus: You see.
Apheida: Beyond is always.
Ruphus: Except when it isn’t.
Apheida: Nirvana, anyone?
Ruphus: Why get attached to any moment? Apheida: When attaching to beyond is existential surfing. Ruhpus: Fun. Apheida: And it requires great skill. Ruphus: Which requires study and practice. Apheida: Detachment with study and practice? Ruhpus: Detachment with love. Apheida: You old flirt!

Samstag, 11. Februar 2023


Why did God say there will be a great flood, build a ship? Because God is greater sense of existence. Thus god is sentient, the voice of experience. Experience at large, over time, across the universe, made of steps across (planet) the earth. The experience of water, of land, wind and fire. The experience of metal. Experiences of stone. Fluid transformational experience from generation to generation in every nation and not nation. Some might say "DNA" (De-oxy-ribo-Nucleic Acid - a molecule (group of two or more atoms (smallest matter unit before electric particle release with characteristics of a chemical element (fundamental material that makes matter)) which contains (an organic script (transmitted inFORMation)) the biological instructions that make each creature unique and promote the development and functioning of an organism).

Dass man dann doch über die Fluten auf Erden bescheid wissen würde, weil mensch schon diese Erfahrung als irdisches Wesen gemacht hat. Immer wieder über Jahrtausende. Dieses Wissen, ja Weisheit ist göttlich. Sie geht über das scheinbar offensichtliche hinaus und hinweg, ist aber gleichzeitig gegenwärtig und erreichbar. Eben weil dieses Wissen, die Weisheit, dazu diehnt das Leben zu ermöglichen, zu entwickeln und als solches ein inniger Teil davon ist.

Samstag, 4. Februar 2023

Full Moon in Leo stream of consciousness


Beyond the apparently obvious

Enough to see through

Not enough to be certain


Más allá de lo aparentemente obvio


Weiter als das scheinbar Offensichtliche

Full Moon in Leo

Vollmond im Löwen

Luna Llena en Leo

—Fortune Muse, have not all artists enjoyed Great Hands that feed them?

-Who can think about cooking when great art befalls body and mind?

-For what is life without Art but a pitiful lump of suffering?

-But children, what is Art?

-Musa de la fortuna, ¿acaso no han sido alimentadas todas las artistas por grandes manos generosas?

-¿Habrá quién pueda pensar en cocinar si el Arte se apodera del cuerpo y de la mente?

-Pues ¿qué es la vida sin arte más que un triste trapo de sufrimiento?

-Pero hij@s, ¿el Arte qué es?

-Glücksmuse, hatten nicht alle KünstlerInnen grosszügige Hände die sie nährten?

-Wer kann schon ans Kochen denken wenn dem Körper und dem Geist die Kunst zustösst?

-Denn was ist das Leben ohne Kunst mehr als ein erbärmlicher Lappens des Leidens?

-Aber Kinder, was ist die Kunst?

To what extent are Asanas (body movement) mantras - techniques for spiritual evolution through concentrated repetition?

Erotic equipment —-

help give them ladies the multiple orgasms they’re biologically designed to experience, make’em happy

(Vedic scientific)

Basic scientific (favoring evolution (continuation, development, living toward bliss)) thought: how to reduce the distance of danger when dropping child while on legs, feet (bipedal mechanism). Through mobility, flexibility and strength, knowledge made wisdom (knowledge+experience+reflection) through practical training as well as spiritual structures (parenthood, philosophy , folktales, religions, beliefs, theories, scriptures, schools, traditions, mastery…) as a voice of guidance on this inevitable path of evolution (organism is not without a beyond force connecting everything discernible - at least there’s consciousness, awareness, an observing, witnessing phenomenon without which nothing would be seen, therefore not be at all, not for the organism’s discernibility) when One is a human incarnate spirit (prakriti purusha).

She: The path is winding.

He: And there are winding wanderers, too.

Blitz monologue 1

A Shecreature: I am a mother, yes. But I am not the mother. Nobody is. The Mother is all of us.

Seeker: Maybe I don’t wish to discover too much too soon. So the thrill of discovering may continue.

Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2023


Im tiefsten Winter,
Wieviele werden in den Tod gerissen
wenn der Tod in ihnen tobt?
Denn wenn man in den Abgrund starrt,
starrt der Abgrund zurück.
Wird man von ihm gepackt?
Oder hat man Winterglück?


In deepest winter,
How many will be pulled into death
when death rants within?
For when one stares into the abyss,
the abyss stares right back.
Will one be snatched by it?
Or be winter lucky?

Rabioso de muerte

Durante el invierno más profundo,
¿Cuantos serán arrastrados por la muerte,
cuando esta se alborote adentro?
Porque cuando uno mira al abismo,
este mira de regreso.
¿Será uno agarrado por el mismo?
¿O tendrá suerte invernal?

Foolish Fighter

I’m not that sick. Am I? Only, severe blood loss and a ripped hip. I’m also overcome by a forceful fatigue. What woman hasn’t suffered like ...