Mittwoch, 19. April 2023

Ancient Evolutionary Theory

The ways in which wisdom finds expression, are as countless as the minds that move the bodies of creation. All bodies are creation thus are the minds. All created by the impermament but constant force of evolution, of observation, experiencing, adaptation, change and development across space and over time. Evolution is the force of creation expressed collectively in individual lives. No creature escapes being a creation of all experiences that have gone before. Culminating in the forms of now. And pushing forth and beyond into a wild unknown yet familiar. Mind, sentient fractal force of perception and conception, seeks to go on, to be and inter-be. Thus, giving form to organisms and ecosystems, to bodies and experiences of the world it manifests. It's what we call reality. Evolution is God, or Goddess, or Nature and the Great Observer, an information processor and life developer. So is human kind. Humans are a very peculiar expression of these creative evolutionary forces, but none all too different from any manifestation in the universe known to the sensory systems of perception.

So, is evolution, then, love?


Die Weisheit findet Ausdruck auf so manigfaltige Art und Weise wie die Geister Geschöpfe bewegen. Alle Körper sind Geschöpfe wie es auch die Geister sind. Geschaffen wurden alle von der Kraft der Evolution die unbeständig aber fortwährend ist. Eine beobachtende Kraft des Erfahrens, sich anpassend, der Veränderung und Entwicklung über Raum und Zeit. ...

Theoría de la Evolución Antigüa

Las maneras de expresar sabiduría son tan incontables como las mentes que mueven los cuerpos de la creación. Ambos cuerpos y mentes son creaciones. Ambos son creados por la fuerza de la evolución cual es temporal pero constante. Una fueza de observación, experimentar, adaptación, cambio y desarrollo dentro del espacio y a lo largo del tiempo. ...

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