Montag, 26. Juni 2023

Trivers/e/o/um 66

Holy Sunday

Woke up with good intentions
Had church in bed instead

What can I say? He seduced me Resulting in multiple bliss.

Yes, Buddha, I shall suffer again. It’s true, we fucked, And it was all over.

Santo Domingo

Desperté con buenas intenciones Pero mejor fui a misa en cama

¿Qué puedo decir? Él me sedujo Y resultó una múltiple bienaventuranza.

Si, Buddha, se que volveré a sufrir. Es cierto, cogimos Y se manchó todo.

Heiliger Sonntag

Bin mit guten Absichten aufgewacht Ging aber ins Bett statt in die Kirche

Was kann ich sagen? Er hat mich verführt Und es hat zu Mehrfachglück geführt.

Ja, Buddha, leiden werde ich wieder. Es ist wahr, wir haben gefickt Und alles kaputt gemacht.

*It's Half Moon. I’m in the ovulation part of my menstrual cycle. I wonder, will the lust cycle cease when the bleeding ends? Or will lust masculinize (available arbitrarily) as the clitoris continues to grow with age? Desire can be soooooo enjoyable. Why vilify it? And with it vilify the body for experiencing desire? No thanks. Instead, enjoy it while it lasts! Why not? Remember Saint Teresa and her organic surrender to the divine? Surrendering desire in ecstasy. Lust. Hingabe. Giving oneself to the natural bliss the body generates physically, mentally, miraculously. I mean, just look at her face (according to the Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini). Now that is one hell of an orgasm. What a Saint!

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