“We’re all original copies.”
“Mediate on your unconscious bias.”
As a
mother, my mind belongs to my children. Their needs consume me. The unquestionable
love that exists is worth all of attention’s devotion. I also experience
impatience due to a draw towards something else. Why would anything else even
matter? Because of Philosophy’s seductive call. Like a magnet it attracts my
attention. What makes philosophy so irresistible? I wonder…
I’d like to
ask Philosophress Iris Murdoch, whether attention equals time and time
is attention ó time ?
“[…] if we consider what the
work of attention is like, how continuously it goes on, and how imperceptibly it
builds up structures of value round about us, we shall not be surprised that at
crucial moments of choice most of the business of choosing is already over.”
Iris Murdoch*
How much do
ingrained patterns determine our choices? Can patterns be reimagined? How can
new patterns result from the limitations of old ones? Where does yoga fit in
all this? Does it represent a bridge between perceptions, yoking the old with
the new, the present with potential, the past with the future?
The yoga
professor spoke about neural patterns. My thoughts as a woman drifted to the
realm of the unlucky patterns with patriarchy. And patriarchy’s unfortunate
patterns with women. A relationship characterized by bad luck. How sad. For, parent-child
(society-individual, government-community etc.) relations can be unbelievably
soulful and happy, characterized by unconditional love. Lucky relations are an
ancient pattern. Why break it? It is wiser, kinder, and better for everybody and
the world, to care for the naturally healthy human relations, that have ensured
our evolution over millions of years. Care for them. Before they break. Due to
war, greed, elitism and such. We want to nurture our inter-human relations and
the world with kindness, attention**, and care. No matter how fleeting. Like we’ve
done for millions of years. For, if we terrestrial creatures fall out of
balance, disaster can be the result. Yes, disasters exist without the human
hand. Precisely in those cases it is of utmost importance to stick together. To
live on thanks to kindness, care, love, community and cooperation. Knowing full
well that we inter-are together with the world.
Yoga repatterns
body and mind. Of course, I still consider body to be mind and mind to be body.
However, I consider a beyond the idiosyncratic body-mind complex, which is what
I attempt to express with the word “mind” in “yoga repatterns body and mind.” A
collective consciousness, perhaps. Or, a subtle mind, as Buddhists may call it,
which I understand to be a kind of universal awareness, independent of one
particular point of view, incorporating perceptions beyond.
is key. I love how a yoga teacher interpreted “sangha” *** as “discussion”. Is dialogue****
not the highest philosophical value amongst men*****? We can discuss what we
understand communication to be, for it surely must not be limited merely to words.
Intellectualism 1
Don’t do it!
Don’t play intellectual games!
Says Vipassana Master S.N. Goenka.
But, Goenka,
I do like to play.
Can Dharma, too,
be played?
Does play
have to be *bad* (undesirable, undisciplined)?
I realize
that philosophy cannot be rushed. Long winding roads through nets of being. Demanding
attention. Phenomena. Questions. Riddles. Problems. Why? Who knows.
Edith Stein
& Edmund Husserl
Hannah Arendt & Martin Heidegger
Elizabeth Anscombe & Ludwig Wittgenstein
Simone de Beauvoir & Jean-Paul Sartre
Harriet Taylor Mill & Stuart Mill
Diotima & Socrates
Did Simone
de Beauvoir ever fry Sartre an egg?
matter preoccupies my thinking mind. I haven’t had the energy to write Geshe on
X. Last week I was consumed by bloody biological monthly hell. Training was
minimal. No Ashtanga. The yoga prof’s intensely isometric approach is quite the
workout. It has a very holistic effect on the body. Muscle fatigue everywhere
to the subtlest. Strengthening. Acid mood. Will I ever have trained enough to
endure without discomfort? Or is there another way altogether necessary to
approach the unpleasant side of phenomena? I hear the legendary martial artist
Bruce Lee did isometric training. I wonder if ever anyone has trained as
intensely as he. Maybe the legendary body builder Ronnie Coleman. Maybe many humans
more throughout history and herstory. But I am only an ordinary nexistentialist,
a philosophress exploring more than just mind-physique. I am an ordinary woman
with weird ass cycles. I’ll tell you what demands great attention: sex. I make
the mistake of giving in to lust at the expense of much energy repeatedly. My feminine
orgasmic desire pushing shamelessly for another and another one, just one more.
It’s deliciously exhausting. What’s the alternative? Celibacy? Sacrifice sex for
another promise? Celibacy does appear to be trending amongst the population,
according to social media. I guess, you don’t have to join a monastery. All I
can say is there are times for celibacy, and there are times for sex.
Geshe wrote on X:
“If we first
establish peace within our minds by training in spiritual paths, outer peace
will come naturally; but if we do not, world peace will never be achieved, no
matter how many people campaign for it.” (July 20th)
Is that the
only way? Does every individual mind have to establish peace before the world
can know itself peaceful? Are there no bridges, no alternatives, no
intermediate strategies to work towards collective peace? Can delusions be
navigated peacefully?
Today Geshe
Kelsang Gyatso wrote:
“It is very
important to be able to distinguish unpeaceful states of mind from peaceful
states. States of mind that disturb our inner peace, such as anger, jealousy,
and desirous attachment, are called ‘delusions’. These are the principal causes
of all suffering.”
Sex disturbs my peaceful state – kind of. I suppose sex would fall under the category of desirous attachment? Sex can make me jealous, too. And even angry. Thus, is sex a delusion? Or is sex a phenomenon that is afflicted by delusions? Sex can cause suffering, such as physical fatigue. Amongst other things. But if it is not a delusion, what is sex? Sex can also be fulfilling and peaceful, exciting and serene, fun and blissful. Sex is also ancient and quite specific.
So, do we
have to fear a terrible end of the world or a wheel of perpetual suffering,
unless every single mind has established individual peace? Is there another
way to care for the world of which all individuals are part?
And, how to establish personal peace? Through meditation and other psychophysical practices and training techniques? Is training
everything though?
I must be
desperately in love. I’ve been cooking very salty lately. I learned in Germany
that cooking salty is a sign of being in love. In love with whom? Why, in love
with Philosophy, of course!
Feminist 1 –
Er: Wenn die
Menschheit untergeht, dann als Familie.
Feminist 1 -
He: If humanity sinks, the ship takes down captain and crew.
El Feminista
Masculino 1 –
Si la humanidad
se chinga, se va a la fregada toda la familia.
Feminist 2 –
Er: Die menschlichen
Wellen die man reitet…
Masculine Feminist 3 –
She: Can we fuck it out?
Feminist 3 –
Sie: Können
wir darüber ficken?
Feminista Masculina 3 –
Ella: ¿cogemos?
Cartoon Prayer 8 –
Forgive me, Father,
For I have
no time for cruelty.
For, I will die.
Would you know?
They say you’re eternal…
in: The Philosopher Queens edited by Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting (2020). p
** consideration, mindfulness, understanding, respect, time, compassion,
empathy, sympathy, et cetera…
*** “sangha”: Sanskrit. “association, coming together” in Light on the Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali by B.K.S. Iyengar. 2002. Thorsons, London.
**** conversation, exchange of ideas, etc.
***** humankind
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