Philosophy is the Art of Perception on the nexus of existence where phenomena inter-are. We are blessed. The sacrifices of our forebears are not in vain. We are growing and learning to embrace the opportunities we have today thanks to their tenacious efforts and shared wisdom. Most importantly, thanks to their love despite it all! Nexistentialism embraces human nature because art doesn't make itself. Nexistentialism captures the performativity of philosophy on a quotidian world stage.
Montag, 29. April 2013
flujo nocturno espontáneo
son varias las historias que convergen ... no hay un sólo protagista al rededor del cual giran las cosas ... todos somos protagonistas de nuestro propio destino y potencialmente actores en las escenas de otros destinos jugando un rol en el camino de otro ... venir del caos y hacer estructuras ... limpiando el mugrero hay más claridad para ver las estructuras ya presentes y construir sobre ellas o especialmente despues de desastres dejar un terreno recogido para eregir sobre el nuevas estructuras ... la personalidad lebowski zen ... el espiritu del semen ... el hombre dentro de tí ... dentro de todos los que un padre tienen y todos lo tienen un padre por lo que todos hombre son ... como todos son mujer también al haber sido paridos por la madre ...
Samstag, 27. April 2013
Samstag, 13. April 2013
Ella le volvía a dar una oportunidad cada noche que seguía ahí. Y él la volvía a despreciar. A pesar de todo lo que había pasado y o tal vez por todo lo que ya había pasado, ella se volvía a lanzar a la batalla con el orgullo prendido. Por interés tal vez, por los niños quizas y por respeto y dignidad. Pero el amor ya parecía desaparecido. El amor propio tal vez nunca había existido. ¿Nunca? Pues quién sabe cuando lo habría perdido. Hasta en el Siglo 21 es dificil ser mujer. Y no porque le hagan esto o lo otro, porque ella es fuerte y aguanta. La mujer encanta. Es por cómo se le trata en el qué hacer, y más depués del atardecer. El cuidado cotidiano que con la costumbre parece comenzar a carecer de cualquier placer. Están los detallitos que se acumulan y los que se van dejando. Como la flor que se marchitó por falta de interés. ¿Menos erótica la que virgen ya no es? La rajada partida por la madre ¿ya no sabe igual? Con su maternal flacidés y desfiguramiento primordial. Digna poco de pasión, cómo una cicatriz que nunca deja de sangrar. Sensual salvación cuando está vieja al fin se va para la chingada. Mujer que no sabe por qué de repente tanto se le desprecia. Y se nota en la forma de tratarla o peor ni tratarla aún esté ella parada en frente de él quién supuestamente la ama, ella quien sólo a él quiere ver. Y él ni la mira. Y menos cuando unas lindas nalgas güeras van pasando. Con perfume de juventud. Maquillaje de tengo el tiempo del mundo. Se dejan envolver los sentidos. Podría ser cruda la lujuría cómo en aquellos tiempos de altos rendimientos. Que se levanta el morbo. Qué aburrida la vieja pareja. Todo se deja. Ahi siempre está. ¿Para qué respetar lo que ya se tiene? Siempre se puede más. Siempre hay algo mejor ¿verdad?
Samstag, 6. April 2013
Here I am: sleepless again in the middle of the night. I feel alone. Who can I trust?
The human social phenomenon at large is based on trust. Civilization is only possible through trust. When I pour my child a glass of milk, I trust that I am nurturing my child with something good. That the store where I bought it keeps it refrigerated and fresh, that the cows from which it comes are healthy and happy, that the plastic bottle contains no contaminants etc. Trust is fundamental to human interaction and to social structure.
Let's think about a common example in human interactions. What does a closed door mean? leave me be, proceed with caution, do not disturb, fuck off, I'm afraid, I feel isolated, I desire /need solitude, privacy, peace, space, alone-time etc... a breach of trust?
What constitutes a violation of trust? In German we can speak of 'Urvertrauen' which means something like original trust, that is the innate ability to trust another. Think of children and their parents. Think of friendship, camaraderie, solidarity and fraternity. Think of public transportation. Think of your house and how you trust others on a daily basis with the delivery of your electricity, water, gas and entertainment as well as with the disposal of your waste. You trust that your work will get paid, trust that the products you buy are of a good quality, that the news reflect facts etc.
Urvertrauen underlines the notion of unity in the universe: all one, related, based on the same principles and structural components. We have reason to trust each other. This ancient vein to the living heart when nurtured with love and the like will have spirits thrive in unison.
So, who can I trust? I can trust Life Force, Spirit. What does this mean? Perhaps the flow of life is guarded by basic formulas to guarantee its continuity and that everything fall into place as it needs to in order for life to thrive. Think of regeneration, reproduction, selection, adaptation. Think of the body's capacity to heal. Think of seasons and life cycles. Creatures go about their daily business as the planets turn and galaxies swirl. Like clockwork? Not perhaps, though certainly held together by a divine net of principles for the movement of energy.
The human social phenomenon at large is based on trust. Civilization is only possible through trust. When I pour my child a glass of milk, I trust that I am nurturing my child with something good. That the store where I bought it keeps it refrigerated and fresh, that the cows from which it comes are healthy and happy, that the plastic bottle contains no contaminants etc. Trust is fundamental to human interaction and to social structure.
Let's think about a common example in human interactions. What does a closed door mean? leave me be, proceed with caution, do not disturb, fuck off, I'm afraid, I feel isolated, I desire /need solitude, privacy, peace, space, alone-time etc... a breach of trust?
What constitutes a violation of trust? In German we can speak of 'Urvertrauen' which means something like original trust, that is the innate ability to trust another. Think of children and their parents. Think of friendship, camaraderie, solidarity and fraternity. Think of public transportation. Think of your house and how you trust others on a daily basis with the delivery of your electricity, water, gas and entertainment as well as with the disposal of your waste. You trust that your work will get paid, trust that the products you buy are of a good quality, that the news reflect facts etc.
Urvertrauen underlines the notion of unity in the universe: all one, related, based on the same principles and structural components. We have reason to trust each other. This ancient vein to the living heart when nurtured with love and the like will have spirits thrive in unison.
So, who can I trust? I can trust Life Force, Spirit. What does this mean? Perhaps the flow of life is guarded by basic formulas to guarantee its continuity and that everything fall into place as it needs to in order for life to thrive. Think of regeneration, reproduction, selection, adaptation. Think of the body's capacity to heal. Think of seasons and life cycles. Creatures go about their daily business as the planets turn and galaxies swirl. Like clockwork? Not perhaps, though certainly held together by a divine net of principles for the movement of energy.
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