Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2023

Gender Fluid

Humans are by nature gender fluid. Consider the following.

Given the existential formula: [structure of meaning = concept <~> form] The structure of meaning has the nature of a concept-form relationship.

Meaning is the characteristic of storytelling exhibited exceptionally creatively (individually and collectively) in human expressions such as art, technology, community, civilization et cetera. Of course, every organism has a story to tell and expresses it in colorful and creative ways. In fact, nature’s creativity is expressed in a language that we can all understand. An existential (abstract, shared and vital) language we can call physics or genetics, amongst other things.

I Iove seeing all the dads and grandpas around the children's schools. They volunteer as crossing guards or tutors. They bring and pick up their little ones from school daily. They show up to read and tell stories. This was hardly so before the pandemic of 2020. I saw mostly mothers and women participating in the school community, civilization's educational branch. Now there are many more men. And it feels balanced and right. It makes for a happy heart to witness a loving equilibrium in the dance between yin and yang.

Fathers and men are inherently just as caring and nurturing as mothers and women are. When did we lose sight of this in society? When did patriarchy begin to fail men? When we were dictating clear cut, separate, and limiting roles for both women and men? Did patriarchy fail all of us then?

Fathers have as much to do in the rearing of the young as mothers do. They have equal responsibility, and they feel the same kind of primal parental love. Fathers and mothers are conceptually as interchangeable as women and men.Thus, gender is fluid. Gender is not a rigid construction. Gender is as fluid as human expression, as human creativity is (from genes (biology) to jeans (culture)). Thus, even a “woman” can be a father, and a “man” can be a mother. Of course, the conceptual list can be expanded in names (we are dealing with meaningful non-constructible sets). The non-constructible set for “mother” and “father” could look as follows. Keep in mind, that possibilities are (theoretically) infinite.

“mother”, ”father” = {woman, man, lesbian, gay, bisexual , transgender, queer, asexual, intersexual, LGBTQAI+, homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, binary, non-binary, gender fluid . . .}

We are a large human community of billions of people, who each are composed of communities of trillions (70-700?) of cells. You better believe it, that there will be variations! Gender cannot by all logic be strictly binary, even if sex (in terms of reproductive health or quality of life) may appear to be.

(TIP- Though In Progress) ____________________________________________


Our forebears created gardens. Now we call it botany. They cultivated fields. Now we call it agriculture. They crafted tools. We call it technology. Our forebears materialized spirit. Now we call it art.


Nuestr@s ancetr@s crearon jardines. Hoy lo llamamos botánica. Cultivaron la tierra. Hoy lo llamamos agricultura. Fabricaron herramientas. Lo llamamos tecnología. Nuestr@s ancetr@s le dieron forma al espíritu. Lo llamamos arte.


Unsere Vorfahren schufen Gärten. Heute heisst es Pflanzenkunde. Sie bewirtschafteten die Felder. Heute nennen wir es Landwirtschaft. Sie fertigten Werkzeuge. Wir nennen es Technologie. Unsere Vorfahren gaben dem Geist Gestalt. Wir nennen es Kunst.

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