Dienstag, 26. November 2013

Nude awakening

Awakening of the forest, Paul Delvaux, 1939
Human nature: can't dismiss it just because we've misbehaved as humans.
Hot-cold: good for circulation. I spent a good 20 minutes in the sauna at the gym and sweat like a waterfall. In the showers I did my usual ice-cold rinse-off with the hose of ice. There is something primal about this intense heat-cold-experience. I think about the Earth and it's climatic cycles. Dinosaurs - Ice-Age, summer - winter, desert - glacier. A desert at night can become very cold. A glacier will melt when it's hot. Rivers dry out and rivers are born. So I try to appeal to this primal part of my biological memory and re-memory living in an ice-age as well as coming from heat (think star energy, the sun, mating season).

I conclude that human nature is very vast and, sure, we make mistakes along the way. At heart we got the right idea. Love and faith in this love have brought us thus far - for a reason. What is love? Unity, union, communion, community. Entertain for a moment a thought of 'primal love', as in: mating. Does it evolved become love for pleasure? The promise of pleasure certainly enhances the chances for mating.

Mating is heat-generating. On the other extreme, death is cold. Life-making is heat-generating. Think animals, plants; think frogs, fish, ants; think spiders, bees, birds, flowers; think mating dinosaurs; think mammals, rabbits mice, rats, lice. Get the picture? Think even microscopic cells. They get close to get on going. A cell can become a union of two, four, eight and so forth more cells. They mesh and merge: an inter-change. Or as a wise man would say, they inter-are. They change, evolve, develop to suit the demands of life. Life is movement. Ok?

Primal love: mating: union, communion: together to go on, like, together we're strong. Think fungi, trees in a forest. So, that's basic. Each cell in an organism has stored this, one of many things, of course. We're merely entertaining a thought in a universe of possibilities. Heat means movement, life. On the other hand, think of the ice as a preserver of life. And what about empty space in atoms, grey matter in the brain, dark matter in space? Is life in atoms the little proton, neutron, electron balls generating heat? Or is the empty space like the ice the one to preserve this spark of life?

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